Fraud verified - pyeBIT spreads giveaway fraud in Discord

Two days ago I received a notification form Discord and an unknown account informed me this:



If you received this message:

You are the winner in our random cryptocurrency GIVEAWAY

**In order to help people in such a difficult time, our company pyeBIT- Professional digital asset trading platform and our partners decided to make a mass draw and give cryptocurrency from 0.001 to 0.9 BTC to random users*

*You WON: 0.70071 BTC *

Internet in filled with the fraud, but still I checked on this one so you do not have to. I completed all steps required, signed up with the website and insert the code they gave me.

The first thing I checked in the blockchain was if the address listed on my profile has any BTC in it. It was of course empty.

Then I requested withdraw as instructed, and I received the popup explaining that my wallet is locked because I am the new users and that I need to DEPOSIT certain amount of BTC in order to unblock and withdraw.



Gullible users deposit and a website confiscate their funds while in real, there is no money in their wallets at all. From time to time I keep my Discord account open from messages, but if you don't wish to receive a lot of crap like this one, simply limit who can message you and in case you receive something like this check what is the mutual server in user's profile and report him to the administrator of that Discord channel.