Bitcoin Spectacles - My First Real-World Purchase With Bitcoin

In 2019 I found out a very sad thing. The sad thing is my eyesight was bad. My eyesight wasn't good enough to pass the medical examination for getting a driver's license. I felt so embarrassed when I couldn't read those letters like others. The officers who conducted the examination suggested that I get my eyes checked and get a pair of spectacles. So I had to do just that. but at that time I didn't have enough money to buy that so my parents bought it for me.

Enough of the sadness. Let's talk about something happy. 2019 was also the year I discovered cryptocurrencies. So from 2019 until now, I have tried to collect different cryptocurrencies. So little by little I collected around 300$ worth of bitcoin.

Another sad thing is that at the end of the last year, my eyesight got worsened. I started to see doubles and even when I used my spectacles I had blurred vision. So I channeled an eye doctor and he recommended, that I upgrade my spectacles after some checkups. So I went and applied for a new pair of glasses. They examined my eyes and wrote the prescription. It was very late at night as I remember. So I had to come back another day to choose the frame.

When I got home I came up with a great idea. That is I'm going to use my Bitcoins to purchase my new pair of spectacles. So I went online and exchanged my bitcoins to my local currency and got the money into my hand using an atm at the bank. The next day I went to the spectacle makers and chose the frame for my spectacles and paid an advance fee with the money I got for my Bitcoins. After a few more days, I went to the glassmaker again and completed the purchase, and got my own pair of Bitcoin Spectacles. Yup that's right I call them my Bitcoin spectacles/Bitcoin glasses now and I will forever be grateful to Bitcoin because I bought a very valuable tool for me using Bitcoin. I might engrave the Bitcoin logo into them(I mean on the frame of spectacles).

P.S.:- This article was first published on my Steemit account.