Preparing For The Next Bear Market As The Bull Market Ignites

A Constant Theme

Something that I have addressed a number of times is the concept and strategy of front running the market, which also incorporates trends. Buying low and selling high is the fundamental aspect of generating profit but it is merely the introductory measure. There are numerous ways to extract profit from the market and it is always important to remember that 90% of traders are unprofitable, indicating that a vast majority get it consistently wrong.

That is quite a harsh reality when you begin to meditate on what that actually means. In basic terms, a minority are dominating the markets. Something that I decided upon in recent months was to slowly but surely eliminate conventional trading from my economic design. I want completely passive mechanisms combined with other workable avenues such as blogging.

As this market is now being adopted on a global scale and institutions are doing all they can to get hold of your Bitcoin and other main assets, I have chosen to hold my Crypto assets indefinitely. I know that this goes against conventional wisdom where an 80% drop is statistically on the cards within a year or two. However, enduring a year or two of suppressed prices is of little concern to me. If I am able to secure 20% to 30% monthly gains per month then I actually earn more over a 2 year bear market than actually selling the top.

Not only do I earn more but I am spared the expense of capital gains taxes. I am also spared the risk of not being able to buy my assets back at a competitive price. Furthermore, the more people that adopt this school of thought and strategy, work together to protect and elevate the price of Crypto assets. I have been in this space for about 6 years and I am not about to hand my Crypto over to wealthy individuals and corporations. Bearing in mind, they only want to get their hands on your Crypto because they know that they can make considerable profits from this point on.

Years of research, knowledge and work that amounts to thousands of hours has a tremendously high value to me. It has taken my time, which in essence means it has cost me my life. I will not be handing this over for a pay day but rather let my own economy go on to produce consistent income well into the future.

So What Can You Do To Prepare Yourself

I devote myself to these disciplines in both bull and bear market and that is to have earning streams that are both Crypto weighted and dollar weighted. A dollar weighted opportunity performs better in a bull market and Crypto weighted opportunity performs better in a bull market. Let me explain, a platform such as PUBLISH0X is a dollar weighted opportunity. For example, when Crypto prices are down your ETH tip will be higher in gwei than when prices are high because it is a dollar amount that is being issued.

Leofinance is a Crypto weighted opportunity because the upvote is a LEO based vote according LEO power and therefore doesn't change the amount of Crypto you will receive but will cause the dollar value to be lower if the LEO price is in a downtrend. You need to have both cases constantly in play in order to hedge yourself and profit in both bull and bear market.

Passive income streams are of vital importance and can vary from staking to lending, as well liquidity mining. Ensure that when prices are down you have mechanisms already in place in order to be accumulating. Once prices rebound in a fresh bull market, you will be the wise guy who was lapping up Crypto at the bottom because by default, you now have mechanisms constantly earning you Crypto.

In "5 Ways I am Earning BTC Hands Free In This Bull Market", I discuss a few of my BTC passive earning mechanisms. There are a number of other opportunities and altcoins that I also utilize in order to generate passive Crypto. There are so many viable options available in this vast and growing space. When considering investment options please do your own due diligence. Furthermore, please do not consider this investment advice in any way. My posts reflect my own experiences in the Crypto market and are by no means investment advice.


100% Passive BTC