Now you have another reason to buy BRO!

If you haven't heard of it before, BRO is a hive-engine token that pays daily hive engine dividends (e.g. leo, weed, neoxian STEM and many others) simply for holding it. I have shilled it a couple of times, and if you listened to my shillings you now have some very nice gains simply thanks to the price increase, which has more or less doubled. Not to mention the juicy daily dividends. And not to mention the very juicy CINE airdrop for the cine tribe BRO recently launched.

But in case you didn't listen, now there's another reason to buy some:

This feature is perfect for people posting regularly, as they will be getting votes (on all kinds of hive tribes) on top of their daily dividends! Feel free to visit the link below for more info:

Disclaimer: I bought BRO quite early and it has been a small goldmine for me compared to my initial investment of 3000 hive. Still, I think that even now it's a good investment! I'd advise you to come, join the discord, have a chat with us and learn more about the community before investing on a whim. We are a fun bunch. I think.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta