Cardano Trumps All Other Cryptoassets in Terms of Developer Activity, Says Analytics Firm

On Thursday (1 December 2022), crypto analytics startup Santiment, which provides tools that make “powerful OnChain, Social & Financial analysis accessible to anyone”, pointed out an interesting fact that might not come as a surprise to Cardano fans, but which might shock other people in the crypto space.

Yesterday, Santiment told its over 150K Twitter followers that according to data from GitHub Cardano is “head and shoulders above all other crypto assets on development activity.”

Last Friday (25 November 2022), IO Global (IOG), the blockchain technology firm responsible for the development of Cardano ($ADA), reported that there were 1,146 projects powered by Cardano as of that date.

As Olga Hryniuk, who works in the Marketing and Communications department of IOG, reported on 25 November 2022 in her company’s latest Cardano Weekly Report that there were (as of the date of the report) 106 projects launched on Cardano, 1,146 projects building on Cardano, 6.9 million tokens, and 3,759 Plutus scripts.

Source: IOG

On 29 November 2022, Santiment commented on Ethereum’s recent price action. Santiment based its prediction on the fact that on 28 November 2022 “Ethereum’s active addresses surged to its highest level in over 6 weeks.”

On 30 November 2022, Santiment said that “Ethereum’s large key addresses have been growing in number since the FTX debacle in early November,” and that “the number of 100 to 100k $ETH addresses is at a 20-month high.”