Millionaires Don’t Use Astrology, Billionaires Do

The quote "Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do" is widely attributed to a certain J Pierpont Morgan of the JP Morgan banking dynasty.

That being said, I'll hold my hands up and say I can find no direct source for the quote however, I have little doubt JP Morgan was interested in astrology.

For example, in Evangeline Adams’ 1926 autobiography, The Bowl of Heaven, she reveals: "I do know about the late J.P. Morgan’s belief in astrology, because – well, because I taught it to him. I read his horoscope many times, and furnished him during the last years of his life a regular service, explaining the changing position of the planets and their probable effect on politics, business, and the stock market."

Either way, astrology buff or not, JP Morgan was just one banker. Why limit ourselves to just a single banker?

Banking Billionaires

Astrology = Millionaires don't, Billionaires do.

Is that true? Well, perhaps the easiest place to start is currency itself.

Some of you may know that according to astrology Mercury rules commerce and money. (Mercury also rules Virgo in the 6th house which is considered the house of work and health. Interestingly, in antiquity this house was considered the house of slavery... but that's probably a subject for another post).

Mercury is nearly always portrayed with his Caduceus, a short staff with two intertwined snakes. This Caduceus has a number of purposes and interpretations which are important for all of us on an individual and collective basis, but for the purpose of this article we are purely focusing on Mercury's control over money.

Image (courtesy of Mercury carrying his Caduceus pictured on a silver coin

Banks issuing currency have long known Mercury's power over money and commerce.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

1914 USA $50 Federal Reserve Note banknote (reverse side)

1935 Canadian Bank of Commerce banknote

 1927 Austrian banknote

1984 UK Bank of England banknote

(Images from

Eyes to See

“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.”... Whether Confucius actually muttered these words or not is immaterial, the truth is there for those who have the eyes to see.