The next Sparrow Ready to Fly Away from India- It Will be a Loss of Crypto-World

The Government of India has recently made certain rules for social media and is also looking to see these rules followed strictly. The current Indian government has shown a strong resentment towards Twitter’s behavior, perhaps no Indian government or any other country has done in the past, barring Nigeria that recently took a firm step against Twitter.

The Government of India has given Twitter the last chance to follow the new rules and if Twitter refuses to follow the rules, it might face the music. In this week, Twitter’s stance has softened a bit, but the functioning of Twitter is still not according to the rules. Amidst the ongoing dispute with the government, Twitter has described its strategy with blue tick accounts.

Twitter has suspended and reinstated blue tick accounts of the country’s prominent personalities, which clearly shows that Twitter has no respect for Asians and Africans.

Later, when the pressure started increasing from all around on Twitter, Twitter reinstated every account but still keeping some of them under the “Suspicious” category. They took a firm note of the same and asked Twitter to follow the rules.

Twitter has now the last chance to comply with the law, and failing to do so may land Twitter in big trouble. There can be many criminal cases on Twitter under the IT Act and create a big problem for Twitter in India. The government has said in a notice that from May 26, new laws for social media have come into force, but Twitter is not complying with it.

Under the new law, all social media will have to appoint a Chief Compliance Officer, a Nodal Officer, and a Residence Grievance Officer for redressal of complaints. The government has said that Twitter has not yet appointed these officers and the officer who is He is not an Indian who is against the rules. Twitter is constantly cheating the government, the address that Twitter has given in India is that of a law firm that is directly working to cheat the government.

Twitter is not only setting double standards in India, but Twitter is doing the same thing abroad. Recently the government of Nigeria indefinitely shut down Twitter for a major provocation when a tweet from the Nigerian President got deleted.

Not only that but Twitter is accused of being involved with hatching conspiracies and playing to the tunes of western countries by supporting separatists and even working against the governments that don’t fall in line with twitter’s favorite countries.

China has also closed Twitter. I am not in favor of China but in this case, Twitter is the reason for its ban in many countries since its policies are neither uniform it follows the rules.

Will it make a difference on crypto?

If Twitter is closed in India, then it can impact crypto in a big way. There will hardly be any crypto project that does not use Twitter to give updates of its project. If any crypto project needs any update, then it's the best Twitter is the way to go.

However, if Twitter banned in India, the result will be drastic for crypto investors and cryptocurrencies in various ways. Indian crypto investors will be unable to get updates from one of the most popular sources and they will be shut down from the crypto-world and the latest information. We know about the fact that Twitter is a platform where the crypto community is very much active and helps crypto grow.

For instance, our beloved Elon Musk uses Twitter to promote Doge now after dumping Bitcoin lol. He shares his opinion about various coins in his tweets. But jokes apart many members of the crypto community who have made a huge following on Twitter after a lot of hard work and millions of followers. And they also earn well by working on Twitter by different methods. Twitter’s ban will also affect these people in a big way.

Today, social media is a way to spread the news across the world and to keep the members enlighten on various viewpoints. However, the security and rules of every country are above any social media. Every social media site should follow the rules of the country of its operation.

I suggest it would be better if Twitter changes its stand about following the rules and acting neutral rather than being biased. Okay, Twitter is a company from a developed country but the thinking of Twitter is still the same as if they were rulers from the past era.

Twitter considers third-world countries as slaves and this is the reason Twitter does its arbitrariness in African and Asian countries. Twitter has done injustice to underdeveloped countries in the past but the time they should know it might boomerang on them.

I hope Twitter officials no more feel India is still a slave of western countries. Twitter will have to change its mindset because India is a powerful country and it will be in favor of Twitter to follow the rules of the country or else the bluebird will fly away from India.