This 12-course mega-collection can teach you cybersecurity top to bottom — and it’s under $25

TLDR: The A to Z Cyber Security and IT Certification Training Bundle features 12 courses with more than 114 hours of education in all things cybersecurity.

Malicious emails are up 600 percent in the past two years. About 1 in 6,000 emails contain suspicious URLs — and ransomware attacks happen every 11 seconds. There’s no team member more valuable to any organization these days than a qualified, knowledgeable cybersecurity specialist. And if you have the skills to serve in that role, you can have companies auditioning for your services, not the other way around.

Even if you’ve never dabbled in high tech system security, The A to Z Cyber Security and IT Certification Training Bundle ($23.40 after code VIP40, over 90 percent off, from TNW Deals) can offer the training to get started on that in-demand and highly lucrative career track.

This course package is extensive, featuring 12 courses packed with over 114 hours of intensive cybersecurity training.

For novices just getting a grasp on the state of cyber protection, courses like Ethical Hacking From Scratch to Advanced Techniques and The Complete Ethical Hacking Certification Course can serve as a meaty introduction. With that training, learners start to understand the key issues in the cyber world, from basic tools and incident management to penetration testing to find exploitable points in a network and protect them before someone else does.

Further training includes deeper exploration of some key cybersecurity concepts to help elevate your understanding to new levels. The Art of Exploitation covers one of the most intricate ethical hacking methods around, while SQL Injection examines how to spot an insecure user and use that access to manipulate a database.

Once you’ve trained in the art of ethical hacking and conducting top-notch penetration tests, students can start showing their skills through certification exams. Further courses will help educated learners lock in some of the key credentials for a qualified cybersecurity expert, including training to become a Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP), a Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), and a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA).

There are even a pair of courses that can help learners earn coveted CompTIA Security+ and CSA+ certification, two of the most valuable credentials available for a cybersecurity professional.

The courses in The A to Z Cyber Security and IT Certification Training Bundle are valued at nearly $1,500, but as part of this deal, all 12 courses are available now for over 90 percent off. And as part of the VIP Sale, shoppers who use the code VIP40 can score another 40 percent off the already discounted price, cutting your final cost for this complete package to only $23.40.

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