Why and How to Create NFT Art?

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Today, we delve in on the reasons for creating digital NFT art. We also look at how you can create such art on Rarible. Lastly, we look at how you can sell your art to an appreciative audience.

Source: Rarible

For sure, NFT art will appeal to you if you’re a budding artist. Why is that so?

  1. Firstly, NFTs are immutable.

    NFTs do not only represent digital art. NFTs also retain their security and originality through encrypted code. Said code identifies the digital art as unique and stores on-chain information. This includes the date of creation, the NFT owner, NFT creator, and so forth. With the above, NFTs cannot be replicated. Now, some NFT skeptics would disagree. They would make jokes like, “Well, I could just screenshot your NFT and its mine!” and such. Well, that’s like saying I own the Mona Lisa just because I took a screenshot and printed it on a canvas. It doesn’t work like that.

  2. Secondly, NFTs can reach a wider audience.

    In fact, the NFT sector in 2021 amounts to a total worth of USD $15.7 billion! Yes, you read that right. Billion with a “B.” are also expecting the NFT sector to achieve USD $122.43 billion in 2028! That’s a huge growth estimate. Furthermore, NFT sales and unique buyers have also skyrocketed from 2018 till today. This data shows that NFTs have the ability to garner huge adoption. As a budding artist, you would want to capture a piece of this pie.

  3. Thirdly, NFTs have artist-friendly marketplaces.

    Indeed, blockchain and NFTs have made purchasing art so much easier today. Marketplaces like OpenSeaRaribleMagic Eden, and even Binance cater to both buyers and sellers. They do so by creating great user interfaces and features for buyers. For artists, they create great NFT creation tools and charge low fees for every sale. This makes NFT sales much easier and cheaper for NFT artists.

  4. Lastly, large corporations are hopping on the NFT bandwagon.

    Some examples include:

    • Adidas.Into The Metaverse” was a project born in collaboration with gmoney, Bored Ape Yacht Club, and Punks Comic. From here, Adidas conducts regular NFT sales.
    • Coca-Cola. A charity auction was held to raise money from Coca-Cola NFTs. These include a Friendship Box, Bubble Jacket, and so forth.
      Source: Coca-Cola
    • Starbucks. They’ve linked NFTs to their loyalty program which provides customers benefits and experiences.

As a budding artist, you should follow what the large companies are doing. They exert influence over and set trends for the general public. It would not be wise to miss this opportunity.

Now, remember that we mentioned you can use NFT marketplaces to create NFTs? In the next section, we will go through a quick guide on how to create art on Rarible using their NFT creation tool.

To create your NFT art in Rarible, head on to their . Then, connect your wallet to Rarible and sign up with your email. You should have a number of options for wallets to connect. Also, Rarible supports multiple chains. You can view these below in their “Connect” page.

Source: Rarible

Once you’re connected, click on the “Create” button at the top of the webpage. Now, you should be able to view a list of fields. These are for you to fill up while you create your

Source: Rarible

Said fields for your input include:

  • Upload File. Determine the type and format of NFT you’re creating. These could be in image, GIF, or video format.
  • Marketplace. Determine the method of sale. This could be through fixed price, bidding, or timed auction.
  • Determine the price and currency ($ETH, $SOL, etc.) for your sale.
  • Collection. This links your NFT to an existing collection or series.
  • Name and Description.
  • Royalties. Determine the % of sale price the creator (yourself) will get every time your NFT is sold.

Once you’re done with your inputs, you’ll be able to catch a preview of your NFT on the right side of the screen. Click on “Create Item” and voila! You’ve just created your first NFT on Rarible!

Source: Binance

However, if you prefer to use Binance’s NFT marketplace to sell your NFT art, fret not! We’ve got a handy guide below too!

To both create your NFT art and sell it in the BINANCE NFT marketplace:
  1. First, you must have a verified Binance account. In addition, you need to have at least two followers on your Binance NFT user profile.
  2. Then, you’ll need to create an NFT collection. Once done, this needs to be sent to Binance for approval. Now, for the exact details to creating an NFT collection, you’ll have to refer to Binance’s guide
  3. Next, its time to create your own NFT! Similarly, follow the same . It’ll guide you through creating the NFT and linking it to your approved collection.
  4. Lastly, you can follow Binance’s detailed guide for selling of NFTs on their marketplace. For this, they’ve got two methods. These are “Set Price” and “Highest Bid.”
To deposit your NFT art in the Binance NFT marketplace for sale: 
  1. First, log in to the Binance NFT marketplace and connect an Ethereum or BNB Chain wallet. Note that other chains like Solana or Tezos are not supported as of now. Refer to step #1 of Binance’s detailed guide
  2. Then, select your NFT contract address. From the same , you can see a dropdown menu.
  3. Once that’s done, you can select your NFT art for deposit! For this, you need to know the Token ID of your NFT. After you select the NFT for listing, you’ll have to pay some gas fees (in ). Voila! You should be able to see your NFT deposited in the marketplace.
  4. Lastly, you can follow Binance’s detailed guide for the selling of NFTs on their marketplace. Similarly, they’ve got “Set Price” and “Highest Bid” for pricing your NFTs.

To conclude, we hope that you’ve learnt more about why NFT art has a bright future. And, its so easy to get started too! With marketplaces like Rarible and Binance, you’ve got no excuse. Time to decorate your digital canvases!