Solcial: how to make potential clients come to me?

I am a photographer and social networks help me learn, promote and grow my blog. And also earn. How can a photographer make money in the decentralized social network Solcial? And how do my works differ from the photographs of other photographers? And how do I make sure that potential clients come to me?

A photograph may or may not be liked, and most of us evaluate all the work of photographers according to one principle - emotions. Did the photographer manage to capture this moment and capture joy, happiness, sadness or sadness. So, when choosing a photographer, we are guided by the same principles - whether we like the work or not, whether we see emotions and moments in the work.

What can help us monetize work in Solcial?

So, analyzing the accounts of photographers, I believe that on my wall it is necessary to remove the time of photography from the price list for work. After all, we are not paid for time, but for emotions, for happy moments of life. Of course, in the description of the photography parameters, this item will be, but on your wall, when people get acquainted with the work and prices for services, such a parameter as time should not appear.

Before the start of photography, I suggest that clients fill out a form that will reflect the following parameters - wishes, which would indicate the expected number of photos, the desired location and time of shooting, what the shooting is for, the expected result of shooting, favorite colors and music, permission or ban on posting online and/or portfolio. What is it for? And all for the fact that when a person fixes his desires on paper, he more accurately understands and represents what he wants to see as a result, there is less misunderstanding, there are much more chances that the result of the work will be appreciated by customers.

And yet, since photographs are, first of all, emotions, then they should be called accordingly. Well, for example, not photo No. 50, but "50 shades of pink." Then they will be perceived differently, more romantically.

Why Solcial? Because for all the time that I have been doing photography, and this is more than ten years, various cases have happened to me on social networks, and blocking, and the loss of the archive. And, of course, negotiations with the administration of social networks did not end with anything. Wouldn't want this to ever happen again. And with Solcial, you don't even have to think about it. After all, this is a decentralized social network without theft, hacking and blocking.

And I can also earn on my rich experience. Share useful information with novice photographers, give advice and comments.

I hope that the Solcial development team will definitely create a section for creative people, for us - artists and photographers.

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