Shall we Crypto? YES! But how?

Hello everyone!

I’m a small town boy recently charmed by the crypto currency world who is at the moment trying to understand what it is all about.

Everything started due to my first BRAVE Browser reward one week ago (check this other PUBLISH0X article to understand how addiction starts) and since then I’m trying to figure out how to explore, and benefit, from this new (for me) world.

However, everything is so confusing right now! New words, new concepts, new paradigms, and a full scale jungle full of predators and, maybe, treasures.

Therefore, what is the best way to learn about the jungle? Well, as for almost everything, the best way to understand a jungle-mechanism it is to explore it.

But since the first rule of exploring/investing/betting is “don’t risk what you do not want to lose”, and at the moment I don’t want to lose anything, I need to find a way to collect some crypto currency for free to perform small (actually tiny) investments (eg, tiny steps into the jungle).

Of course, many way exist, such as games, apps and blinking 90’ style websites. And all of these nice option looks like something I would not trust clicking/using.

So I armed myself with a brand-new disposable email account, some basic rules (no silly app, no silly software, no something that trigger my antivirus or my spider-sense), machete (to chop my cable line, just in case something is crawling out from it) and face the jungle.

Maybe you’ll be able to learn from my mistakes and have a better starting experience than mine!..or at least you’ll have a laugh on my misery.

So, how do I started?

1. Set up a wallet

This was honestly the most confusing part. Many wallets exists, and I am still not sure about my choice which is Atom Wallet.

This choice was mostly based on the high number of currency that Atomic Wallet can manage and the simple look (yes such triviality). I tried also other famous wallets such as My Ether Waller, Enjin Wallet and MyCryptoWallet, but Atom Wallet is looking like a much simpler entry point for me.

2. Open a microwallet account (eg. FaucetPay)

Why? because a lot earning possibilities are based on some microwallet account like FaucetPay or Express Crypto, since you need to perform a lot of tiny transactions and accumulate your satoshi in an intermediate wallet before moving them into a stable one. Furthermore, some earning site will allow you to withdraw without fees into your microwallet from where you’ll be able to swap currencies and send them to a proper wallet (hopefully without losing much on fees in this step).

You need to configure your microwallet crypto addresses using the ones from your main wallet..or at least this is what I’ve done. So far seems that it is working, so good for me!

3. Start “Earning” (eg. Faucets, Autofaucets)

There are a lot of different way to earn cryptocurrency “Faucets” (alias website which can give you tokens for “free”) that can give you a tiny but steady amount of Cryptos and you will only have to solve thousands of captcha and watch thousands of banners! After one day of captcha, you’ll be definitely sure that you are indeed a human and not a robot.


3.1 FaucetPay

Yes, you can earn directly from FaucetPay. There are several options: a) Faucets, b) Offerwall, c) Surveys, d) Pay to Click, e) FAY Staking.

I hate option “b” and “c” while for option “e” is required an initial capital to stake. So my plan is to use mostly the Faucets and the Pay to Click.

However, while the “Pay to Click” option is nice and easy to use, the Faucets list is a dungeon within a jungle.

So far I just skim the surface of such a dungeon and I found some useful Faucets such as: FaucetBR, Digitask, MOZ FAUCET and Claim Free Coin.

3.2 Fire Faucet and Final AutoFaucet

These two websites allow you to collect their own tokens using several different options such as: a) short link, b) Offer Wall, c) Pay to Watch, d) Free Rolls and all the like.

While the website own token is basically worthless it can be used to claim different currencies of crypto in a simple independent way: basically you use the earned token to fuel an autofaucet which will collect the currency you want if you leave the autofaucet browser page open.

This two-steps option (1-collect token, 2-use token to claim crypto) while seems unnecessary, is actually faster than using FaucetPay since you can fast collect enough token to let the autofacet run for some hours without supervision. Furthermore, both sites reward your constant use by giving you claim bonuses based on your level (yes you can level up by collecting token!) and daily use.

5. Plan a daily routine

In order to understand what I’m really doing and if I’m spending my time in a worthwhile manner (I already know the answer but I keep lying to myself), I planned a daily routine of about 1 hour and half to start all the coin collection activities. I think I’ll detail it in the next post if you are curious.

Last but not least

Seems that a good way to get extra coins from the options I described above is to convince other people to use them by means of a referral link.

I honestly don’t know yet if the extra income is worth bothering your friends, but you can help me find out!

Here is some of the referral links for the sites I described above, use them if you want me to help me better evaluate their value without me bothering my friends.

  • FaucetPay
  • Claim Free Coin
    • Bitcoin
    • Etherum
    • Dogecoin
    • Litecoin
    • Bitcoin Cash
    • Dash
    • Tron
    • Digibyte
    • Tether
  • MOZ FAUCET / cryptorotator
    • Bitcoin 
    • Litecoin 
    • Dogecoin 
    • Etherum 
    • Bitcoin Cash 
    • Dash 
    • Digibyte 
    • Tron 
  • Final AutoFaucet
  • Fire Faucet