NFT Artist: Naylacia

Naylacia is a self-inspiration NFT artist. Her style of art is a bit of a combination of horror and mysteries. 

The different artist has their strength

Her arts are all handmade. She believed that quality is the most important of the art. She wanted to demonstrate her skill as her devoted and inspirational result after the creation process.

OpenSea creations

She had 405 arts created. There are various creations. Some are more realistic drawings. Others are figure creations. Some highlights horror themes and others give a bit mysterious vibe. Many others are exciting to explore and to collect.

“I have no value”

One of my favorite arts she created is “I have no value”. It establishes a sarcastic view of valuation. NFT is valuable, but the art’s valuation is up to debate. Yet, people are chasing the valuation so much that they may lose themselves in the dilemmas of what value makes the art more valuable. Only a person who values the art will give the accurate valuation it deserves. 

Free Alien

One of her collectible creations is the Free Alien series. She expressed her wonder if it made a person like aliens or aliens more like humans. It created a conflict of imagination that connects reality and hope. You wish something goes your way, but it may turn out to be different. Yet your desires drive you to discover the truth and toward what you want, and reality may disappoint you. 

Why do I support her arts?

I think every artist is unique. Their way of seeing the world is different from anyone else, and their uniqueness expresses in their arts. Her way of expressing her arts mysteriously makes others desire to discover more and wonder what the world is.

I think many artists are underrepresented, and you should support each artist. 

Giveaway events

Some of her art is giving away for free on many platforms. You can follow the links below. Also, don’t forget to enjoy Discord and check out her OPENSEA art gallery to see which one you like and most and ?? it.

Follower her social media below:





Disclosure: The article was written solely voluntarily and the author did not receive any forms of compensations.

Note: the post was shared on multiple platforms.