My Rental adventure 2023 - 50 weeks later, as Land feature is getting serious

Splinterlands latest news are:

  • We got additional information for the lands, check this out on The Secret of Praetoria - Phase 2 Whitepaper Reveal, as we got Part 3  and Part 4 . Basically we got three types of buildings available for players to construct - Resource Production, Resource Refinement, and Resource Storage buildings, and we may need DEC, Vouchers and Production Points to build them. It is getting complicated then, with a lot of resources, which can be refined, and even the storage would be tricky to cover completely. Then, we need to pay maintenance costs for the building, and you can even repurpose buildings, for a cost. Castles and Keeps will produce special resources/ingredients. Then, the Part 4 explains the desalinization process, where you can remove the Salt from the soil and water, reducing the buildings maintenance costs and the fees/taxes level. Storage is the word of the day, as you may need it badly when you have multiple lands to maintain.
  • The airdrop for Rebellion will be done differently, using staked cards and packs, and paying voucher for every 5 cards and 100 packs staked. These are called airdrop conflicts, and you accumulate airdrop points with your staked stuff.
  • On the second phase of the Land expansion, you will be able to provide liquidity for a resource, paired with DEC. When you provide liquidity, you are rewarded Elixir, essential resource meant to be combined with Magical Resources in the Laboratory.

Lands completely ready - 10/76 (2 Mythic, 6 Natural, 1 Magical, 1 Occupied)

Lands fully staked 5 cards - 26/76

Natural staked - 12/43 (32 left to get ready)

Magic staked - 9/28 (19 left to get ready)

Occupied staked- 3/3 (All ready)

Mythic ready - 2/2 (All ready)

Grain productivity: 1282/hour - 690/hour required = 592/hour

Research: 1.815/hour

SPS: 0.324/hour

Dark energy 655.349/1.000.000

battle plans are going well, this season just started 5 days ago, and I am still in Diamond II as I did not play much and the bot is down for now. The Riftwatchers cards upgrade is on the schedule, 30 cards left to max up, 7 Common, 12 Rare, 1 Epic and 10 Legendary, with few more cards upgraded, but I do not think that I will upgrade all the legendary cards, as they are too expensive. I may focus on upgrading some of my summoners next, one left for Riftwatchers from level 5 to 6, now that they are cheaper then before, and maybe the last legendary one, Lily Shieldpaw, after that. Then, I may follow a hybrid way, upgrading all cards in the same time, especially for Rebellion, like all Common to level 5, then 6 and so on, then Rare, and something like this.

Rental stats: no cards for rent

As I have started this few seasons ago (beginning of November 2022), these are my stats for the packs I got as investment to be sold later:

Chaos Legion packs unopened: 450 (ZERO)

Riftwatchers packs unopened: 50 (ZERO)

Rebellion packs: 300

DEC: 1.000.000 staked for land.

Cards upgraded and rented

Luminous Eagle to level 4, gaining a much needed +1 Armor.

Chaos Jailer to level 3, gaining +1 HP. This one I want to get it maxxed up quick as Opportunity and Ambush is a powerful combo.

Anasth Soothsayer to level 3, gaining +1 HP. This is also a priority to max level, as the skills combination is too awesome to not have it (Heal, Cleanse, Lookout, Dodge and Dispel). One of the best support/survival cards in the game.

Bera Dallin - one card level 1, also a decent tank, with Taunt, Shield and Void Armor, and, let me understand, Armored Strike, giving it a 2+6=8 Melee Attack damage? All that you need is Armor Repair on the back, in order to make it immortal.

New Sskah Drudge, decent archer with True Strike and Affliction at level 6, up to level 5 for now.

Chaos Lackey, average 4 Mana cost archer with Dispel and True Strike, up to level 5.



1,509,165.5 (5,775) (

Account Worth:11,033.067


0.0% y ROA

Rental Expenses:

For Sale:

This is all for today!

All the best,

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