Harvest Finance: iFARM Rewards to the MOON!

I have recently been debating if I should move some of my DAI from COINBASE to Harvest Finance and so I have checked in on how the stable coin farms were going. However, once I got to Harvest's dashboard I restarted my computer due to what I saw. That's not dramatic either I figured my computer was messing up when I saw the FARM staking pools APY.


Recently that has been not a super concerning issue but something that I have been monitoring as with the crypto crunch the yields were not as great as I hoped. A couple of days ago the APY had fallen to the lowest I had seen it at roughly 27%. Well, today it was a whopping 125% at the time I was writing this. I know it is hotly contested how good iFARM as a tipping token however once you get it to your METAMASK it auto-compounds all by itself. You do not have to do anything and the amount you have will continue to grow.


If iFARM was worth only a few dollars that type of APY would be one I could see however with iFARM running at the lowest $75 that APY is crazy. It really shows how well though that the platform is working. The way that Harvest works only 30% of the Harvests go to the FARM/iFARM staking. What this huge APY shows is that the token is undervalued for the amount of money it is bringing in.


If iFARM/FARM was worth $150-$200 then the APY would be much lower but would correlate with the value the token is given. With it being so under priced individuals are able to see how big the growth potential is for the token. The farms all keep on producing and as long as that happens well the money will keep on coming to further buy back and boost the FARM/iFARM distributions!