1BTC Project - A Big Pi Network Announcement?

The pi Network remains a huge mystery to me. It is incredibly hard to tell if the project has momentum or if they are stalling for time. They start and stop more often than a commuter bus. 

Pi Network and its associated apps and token are controversial. I have written several blog posts about the pi core team and my feelings about the project. My sentiment is not a positive one, but I have been doing it for too long to stop now. Every time the do something positive that shows progress it the announcement is made with contextualization and outs for the devs.

Today's announcement is no different. 

It is monumental because the Pi Core Network team has declared the intention to move to Open Network in 2024.

But there is a catch. Or as it turns out there are 3 conditions. 

from the horses mouth.

Condition 1: Finish any Open Network preparation work in technology, product, business and legal following the consistent strategies of Pi Network.

This condition made me laugh. Basically if they are ready to go like they will move to Open Network. Yes this is a great condition but also very vague and expected. No one expects any project to be released before it is ready. 

Condition 2: Achieve the following goals in network KYC, migration and utility creation.

Yes condition number two is a list of three more conditions. I guess three is half just a more palatable number than five? I don't know but the conditions that are necessary for Condition 2 to be satisfied are:

-15,000,000 users that have been KYC verified.

-10,000,000 users migrated to Mainnet

-100 pi network apps

They gave some color in the link to the progress on these three goals but I would prefer progress bars instead of just figures. Either way yes these are great goals for the project, but weird to present them bundled. 

Condition 3: The absence of an unfavorable external environment which would hinder the success of Open Network.

This condition is the most bullshit. Basically they are not going to launch into a bad market. 

They Pi network team can act like progress was made today, but they have committed to nothing except for so user and utility targets. Everything else is fungible. Condition 3 has nothing to do with the project or the devs and it is entirely subjective.

Seeing how it is coming up on New Years and everyone is setting goals for 2024, lets look at these 3 conditions through the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting parameters.

Condition 1:

S: I do not think this is Specific enough

M: It cannot be measure as it is either complete or not complete.

A: Yes I think they can attain it.

R: Yes it is relevant to the project.

T: No they did not commit to a time frame. 

Condition 2:

S: Yes the is very specific.

M: Yes they provided concrete measurement.

A: Yes I think they can attain it.

R: This is the condition that is most relevant.

T: Not really but I will say yes to be generous. "In 2024" is not that time based.

Condition 3:

S: No it is not specific.

M: No it cannot be measured.

A: It is not something they can attain.

R: It is relevant to the project.

T: There is no timeline to this.

All three goals do not fit in the S.M.A.R.T. frame work. The Pi Network development team failed grade 9 gym and it shows. 

I wanted to share because it is a 'meaningful' announcement from a project I have been following for some time. Do you think the Pi team can hit these three (5) conditions?

Keep Building. 

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