Current Goverment Actions and the Future of Government

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The Current Playbook:

Number One:  Create a big event that will overshadow the event in question.

Shame the Person who has Different Beliefs: Destroy a persons character and make them feel worthless. Make the people around them turn against them. How can this be done? Reveal something that someone is ashamed of and they will feel worthless and may even question their own existence. Reveal their secrets. This was done to Oppenheimer and Martin Luther King. Oppenheimer was taken to a private trial that wasnt strictly legal and the "prosecutors" accused  him of things he was ashamed of. The extrajudicial operating three letter agency spied on Martin Luther King and recorded his extramarital affairs on tape and threatened to send the tapes to his wife. There are so many more example such as Julian Assange and maybe even Russell Brand can be included in the list.

Create Chaos: A war/ civil war would make people look the other way and not question old documents, laptops, emails, collusions or events. It would be a clean slate. Oh the library where classified documents were held. Its no longer there. Was George Bush Sr. involved in nefarious things? What is it that theyre still trying to cover up? Im only questioning things and not accusing him of anything. He is innocent until proven guilty.

One of the biggest puppeteers George Soros hasnt said much about the current state of affairs. His opinons orchestrated huge market moves and he knows he has the influence to sway peoples opinions yet he has not stepped in to give his two cents on the current geopolitical issues. Is there an egotistical motive to watch everything go with a bang after having lived a full life. He is a very intelligent individual and am merely questioning the matter, not his character.

There are three main ways of how a governing body can be composed and the effects it has on the population, Numbers 4 and 5 have not been implemented and may never be implemented but can be modern options if and when the conditions are right:

1. A Government

2. A Corporation

3. An Individual

4. Blockchain

1. A government made up of many citizens of the country who truly represent everyone in the country seems to be the best option because it is in their best interest to watch their country flourish. After some time though this system can start to decay due to collusions, power and corruption. Just because you have the power to do something doesnt mean you should do it. This is a mistake that a lot of governments have made in the past and are currently making.

2. A corporation will only be interested in generating profits. All the other things will go out of the window. There would be less empathy with one another if the governing body was made up of a corporation/s.

3. An individual will most likely be only be looking out for his own interest and his immediate families interests. This would be the least attractive option for a governing body. They would be able to make decisions in that would affect millions of people in minutes. This can be especially devastating if a person is not formally equipped with the proper knowledge or tends to make decision based off emotions.

4. What about a governing body where decisions are logical and not based on emotions. How do we get there? Artificial Intelligence or Blockchain can be an option. Where you personally get to vote on legislations on your device. They have thousands of laws to pass and all you have to do is vote on them when you have time while youre laying in bed watching a movie. No representatives. Just the person and the blockchain. Once all the votes are accounted for laws and or regulations will go into effect or be abolished. True decentralization.

5. Artificial Intelligence, the prime minister would be A.I. The Ai would gather and compile all the worlds data and history and provide humans with a few options based on past historical data. Oh this country wants to invade another country. You have these options:

A. Provide military support and (Can cause a wider conflict)

B. Let it run its course (Unknown outcome)

C. Provide Shelter and Aid to those affected (Internal turmoil)

The A.i in this case would not make decisions based off emotions nor will it make decisions based off greed or self-gain. It would merely give humans the options available and the effect each option would have. Congress or a board of people would then vote for everyone based on the data given by the A.i.

As you may have already noticed I am not listing ways in which a person can hide things but I am listing ways that the people in charge have been hiding stuff from the public these past few decades. I know the article may be a bit confusing the way I put it but either way thanks for taking the time to read.

Regulation and Society adoption


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