What's this place called again?

Do repost and rate:

Publish0x? P0x? POx?

How is one supposed to pronounce that anyways? Jesus fuck, I'm still getting over how loose of a restriction is placed on becoming an 'author' on here (honestly why even bother having an application process if you're just going to approve any random cunt with a valid email anyways).

Back to the topic at hand, which now that I think of it, I haven't defined yet; What is this place supposed to be? Some sort of blog-o-shpere/twitter/Facebook/CNN comment section/Reddit amalgamation?

It seems that with the exception of being filled with the spectrum of pornographic material that occupies much of DeviantArt (and in a past life, tumbler), one is encouraged to post pretty much anything. Standard 'surface-web' rules still apply; follow the laws that exist IRL in your locale. And pretty much anything too excessive to be on twitter in terms of thoughts/opinions/arguments/etc should be avoided. If your content falls within those pretty loose bounds, you shouldn't be booted of the platform. ALL THAT AND IT'S MONETISED YOU SAY?

Supposedly, the answer is yes.

With the aforementioned being said, it seems there's the potential for our boy P0xy to make it big, somewhat similarly to how early supporters of the BRAVE browser platform are cashing in some nifty cheques right about now, that's if they don't HODL to the moon. 

Why would I say something so absurd, you may ask? Well, let's contrast to a recent success story that I believe is quite similar, the Brave browser.

P0x? Quite a ridiculous name. Brave, on the other hand, is a tad over being just excessive. Dynamically challenged names aside, both platforms offer a not so novel solution in 2021 of dealing with users being the product of content based platforms. Now, it seems, that these newer platforms are passing the buck of 'productification' down to the consumption of the content, as it was back when all content was purchased, one way or another; think movies, whether bootleg or genuine, you most likely paid an individual or organisation to access the ability to consume said content. Then came freemium, where the desired content of your choice was exchanged for your data profile sold for the benefit of advertisement (YouTube/Facebook/etc). Now, we're back full circle where content is directly funded, either from consumer to creator (minus Patreon's cut of course), or consumer to creator through general advertisement (LBRY/Brave/etc), the same way movie ticket pricing is technically subsidised through there being adverts interlaced with the previews.

With Brave, you had the platform doling out crazy amounts of crypto (BAT being the token utilised) to gain mass user adoption in it's early days. At present, you get the equivalent of a cup of coffee a month by clicking on ads as you casually browse and open new tabs. The fact the Brave foundation got to work getting such levels of adoption and utilising the 'non profile based' advertising model (think the exact opposite of the dystopian hellscape that was portrayed in "The Social Dilemma"), Brave seems to be self sustaining and growing quite rapidly. Unlike Brave, on the other hand, I need to research how this platform is being funded as that adds to the confusion I've encountered since discovering this place, although to be fair to my dumbass, that was about a couple of hours ago.

Credit: Pixabay.com

All that's missing, I would assume, would be for P0xy to drop a coin or token of their own so the platform could earn a bit more independence from whatever funding source they're using to prop up this platform, as the only thing that seems to me to be monetising this apparent 'content consumption reward schema' is the platform itself. Having said that, the organisation behind this platform would have to be pretty dynamically challenged if that isn't in the works already. Again, that being said, I'm pretty dynamically challenged for not investigating this further before being as arrogant of an authority as my writing seems to convey. Quite recursively though, who allowed this aforementioned dynamically challenged 'author' to operate on this platform in the first place?

My awful sense of humour aside, what's left of me to say then? That I think what I believe in is going to succeed, is a given. The fact that I use this platform indicates I'm invested in the success of said platform. And being paid pennies every time one browses and/or creates content for a more advanced and inclusive form of Reddit? Well since we're both reading this, I suppose you have reached the same conclusion the rest of us on here have. My position on the future of this platform? After all that's been said, are you really curious as to what my opinion is? I guess we found the dynamically challenged one.

You may fuck off now I suppose, that's it for this post.

Yours disappointingly,


Regulation and Society adoption

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