What skills could be the keys to develop in my behavior in order to have positive results in the management of my decisions abou

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Dear reader, thank you for stopping to read these lines.

My intention is to reflect from the point of view that crosses my mind about psychology and cryptocurrencies.

Since I began to get into the "world" (Flanders), of cryptocurrencies, blockchain and its derivatives, I began to understand more and more that there could be a parallelism between my basic profession, psychology, and cryptocurrencies, since, Basically, just as psychology tries to foresee human behavior (in a simplistic definition since it is something a bit broader, of course) when one enters the world of cryptocurrencies one tries to do the same, but with cryptocurrencies.

It is that clearly behind each project, development or "start up" oriented to this fascinating world, there are also people with interests, passions and motivational issues that are reflected in what we observe within the developments of these technologies.

In any case, it would be very opportune and beneficial to be able to understand the behavior and motivations of the people behind each cypto project, but at the same time it would be too ambitious since each person is a world in itself.

Therefore, taking into account that something that we can directly influence is ourselves, we are going to point out those competencies, skills or abilities that I think we should focus on developing if we are interested in being increasingly efficient and effective at the time to investigate, investigate and manage this crypto world that changes and mutates every day…. Do the words of those pre-Socratic philosophers resonate – Heraclitus and Parmenides – who with their “eternal future” had already announced the permanent change or immutability of things?, but that is another topic for later.

Based on the above and having a lot of influence on systemic and cognitive psychology, I summarize what in my opinion we should focus on maintaining, developing and growing in terms of our own behavior to be better managers of our thoughts and emotions, and by transition, in this cyrpto world that we have to live today:

1) Every time we evaluate a crypto project or management, Let's use the “Popper” system, andlet us not seek to test our hypotheses. You see, there is a concept within psychology that basically refers to the fact that, in general, the thoughts that we hold about something consciously or preconsciously, we search segmentally for information that confirms what we think, rejecting the evidence against it. And although this type of information processing is consistent due to an automatism of our mind so as not to spend so much energy for each belief and/or thought, when it comes to making decisions, it is not always the most recommended.Popper developed in his epistemology a verification method that precisely sought to refute a hypothesis about something and not confirm it, since every time the hypothesis could not be refuted, it was confirmed. I think we can make a parallel when it comes to managing our thoughts about making a decision about a project that we want to be the way we are thinking about it. It is that if we do not exercise the search for "why not" of the decision, it can lead us to a very biased look and a decision making directly linked to what "we want it to be" being able to fall into an error and thus make bad decisions. .

2) Manage our emotions: It sounds cliche but it is an art, and psychology herefocuses heavily. The idea is not to deny our emotions but to get to know ourselves and manage the anxieties, fears, desires and any other emotional impulse that we experience. It is that it is generally said "do not make decisions when you are with this or that emotion", however, the idea is not to stop making them despite being with which or that current emotion while we make the decision. It is normal and expected to feel anxiety when making an investment decision, for example, or to get frustrated when what we think is not happening in the short term and our decision does not seem to be the right one (and even more so in the crypto world, which is quite volatile). yet). In general terms, I think I would recommend several books for the management of emotions, especially what cognitive behavioral psychology contributes in this matter. It would take too long to talk about it, which is why I leave those that I think can help us: "Goodbye Anxiety" by David Burns and "Control of your mood", among many others that may exist today.

3) Take risks: it is that we could not be in this world if we do not understand thatwe have a lot of risk management and that many of the decisions are based on being able to tolerate more or less risks. In fact, many "risk takers" today have high returns on investments as a result of this prior analysis and future bets on some cryto project at a time when others were not encouraged. 

4) But at the same time, and balancing the previous one, prudence and patience...since the management ofEmotions should allow us to generate enough energy to take risks, but not be the engine of our decisions without having gone through the first sieves.

I would like to add that the amount of tools that psychology can provide to people to be able to develop the aforementioned skills and many others is very wide, but I will leave the most concrete and practical part for future episodes, if it is of interest to you to know how to manage our thoughts and emotions, obtaining concrete tools to exercise and become your own personal coach or psychologist.

Write me in the comments if you want us to advance to present more material that helps manage thoughts and emotions in order to manage the world of cryptocurrencies and "your" psychology as best and most efficiently as possible.

If you made it this far, I appreciate your time. A hug and may the “cryptoforce be with you”.

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