Three years on the blockchain

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Two days ago, I officially became three years old on Hive blockchain. It has been a journey of self-discovery and a lot of wholesale changes in my life. Things have also changed in the blockchain, and whether the change in the chain is dramatic or not is up to the individual's interpretation.

I came into the chain with the dream of becoming a full-time blogger, and earn from the things I am able to create with words. All I ever wanted to do was paint pictures with words, and have an audience tell me how they feel about it. I liked the money but to me, it was and still is about love.

In the three years on the chain, the volatility of the token has kicked into full crypto mode and fluctuated between an all-time high that seems imaginary, into an all-time low that also feels like I was dreaming. Either way, the chain grew and despite those issues, we saw more development.

During my early days, there were very few Dapps running on the chain. In fact, I can only remember ever playing Drug Wars and one Dice game that wasn't exactly making waves. Nowadays, we have numerous Dapps competing and complementing each other in a symbiotic ecosystem.

Outside of the Dapps, we've also found that there has been regular development and upgrades of the chain over the years. There have been changes like adding the downvote button, downvote pool, Hive-engine Dex and niche-based front ends that reward author with Hive-based tokens. Through this simple move, the blockchain evolved into its own ecosystem that gives a platform for the development of social front-ends.

While things were added, other things were taken out of the game to level the playing field of sorts. Through a community consensus, we were able to mitigate the activities of voting bots, inevitably creating a more organic and social system.

The seamlessness that the changes have been effected makes the blockchain a pretty interesting place to be in. The hurdles and shortfalls in the changes are there for anyone to see, but at the end of the day, I think we look and feel better than we use to be.

We still have a long way to go, particularly if we want to compete against the more established mainstream platforms like Facebook, medium and the rest. However, with steady development, more marketing campaigns and staying true to our own identity, I think we'll be heading in the right direction.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Regulation and Society adoption

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