Permaculture and the change of the operating system

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Image by G J Whitby

The capitalist system in which we have lived for more than 200 years, which is the result of mixing in a shaker the feudal system of distribution of privileges by a king to his lords that lasted more than 1,000 years in Europe and the concept of Nation-State that emerged from the French Revolution, is what we call a Layer 0 if we make an analogy with the system’s environment. Capitalism is the operating system of the left and the right government systems, these being, and continuing with our analogy, Layer 1. These Layer 1 ranges from the so-called liberalism to the right and socialism to the left. Some Layer 2s were built upon these Layer 1, such as neoliberalism and far-right fascism in Liberalism’s Layer 1, and Christian democracy and COMMUNISM in Socialism’s Layer 1. In Layer 1 and Layer 2, corporations develop their applications and manage power, resources, money, hunger, (lack) of health, and wars, playing with those applications on their devices.

All these monstrosities need a powerful state and a central bank that issues debt paper in order to control the great business of poverty, which suits both Layer 1 equally. To the right, poverty has shown to be a great business for corporations (feudal lords who receive the favors of the governments they helped rise to power), paying starvation wages in peripheral countries to produce products that sell at 100x prices in central countries, for example, the textile corporation. To the left, poverty serves to show that the State can do something for the poor, although in reality, it does nothing more than speak and spread the benefits of the government through the official media (which are the only ones that exist), with which the poor continue to vote for them, while hunger, thirst, drought, and disease continue to proliferate.

All Layer 1 and Layer 2 can be possible thanks to Layer 0 operating system called the capitalist system. All ensure power and poverty. It is the capitalist operating system that generates an ideal breeding ground for corruption, since corporations, both on the right and on the left, can "buy" politicians who end up being local operators of the king, charging the corresponding fee.  It is urgent to change the operating system and not only that, it is also time to provide new APIs to developers so that they are not mistaken in the next developments.

We can apply this analysis to any aspect of our Layer 0 capitalist society. The fundamental pillar of Layer 0 is the increase in the profitability of the shareholders of large corporations, who hold their power both on the right and on the left. The type of government is not very important, because it is the corporations that raise, maintain, or lower the governors, senators, representatives, mayors, and other operators of this feudalism that is currently called "democracy."

Let's take food as an example. Making a brief description of what our food is, excuse me, food in big cities (more or less 90% of the world population lives in cities), where human beings are more numbers than people who live every day the same day and every year the same year, with the guiding objective of striving to achieve material goods which they call "progress". The current Layer 0 operating system stimulates the individual to live in big cities because this is where there is more possibilities to anticipate profits, buy many goods, visit Shopping Malls, and enjoy consumption without stopping.

Of course, the defenders of Layer 0 will say that companies are formed to satisfy the desires of the consumer and provide well-being to their employees by “empowering” them (a scary word if there is one) so that they develop as human beings and achieve fulfillment by helping to others. All this is an infamy. Everyone who does a company does it with the aim of getting rich, and they care nothing about the sustainable maintenance of the ecosystem in which they live, much less people and competitors, whom if they could kill they would do so without the slightest remorse. But politically correct is all that bullshit about loving others and empowering employees, the blue ocean, innovation, globalization, strategic leadership, and corporate social responsibility. Blatant hypocrisy.

For a child from the big city, a cow is a piece of meat on a plastic tray in a refrigerated rack of a hypermarket whose advertising encourages us to buy more and to treat ourselves as fools if we do not take advantage of the fabulous 50% off offer. (If they can give a 50% discount, it means that before they were stealing twice as much from us). But few reason this out, and go and buy the plasticized cow, to make an urban barbecue on Sunday, and come back on Monday to do the same as every day, week, and year, complying with the premise of the Layer 0 operating system.

Food corporations should feed and maintain the health of the population. However, they have achieved the exact opposite. What they sell for consumption is garbage and the result is a worldwide increase in plagues like obesity and diabetes. Pursuing profitability and capital accumulation (power), they have achieved massive junk food proposals that they proudly display in supermarkets. Worse yet, all foods taste the same (it's for efficiency, that is). If you don't believe me, try throwing one of those little cones that they sell as snacks for children into the fire, and you'll have fireworks like at the end-of-the-year celebrations.

Not content with the poisoning produced by poisons and pesticides (which is manufactured by the only poison factory in the world, curiously, also the developer of the napalm that was used in Vietnam to burn children alive), nor with the pollution produced by the tractors in the works of the agriculture, nor with the antibiotics that they inject into the animals that we later ingest, which live miserable lives in feed-lots or in overcrowded and tortured farms, in addition to all this, they created the plastic packaging industry to pack all that garbage and sending it to supermarkets, spending fortunes on advertising and marketing, showing grinning assholes in TV commercials after eating or drinking the poison they were sold. The boys and their lovely mothers stand out, smiling and living dream lives after the boys ingested a crap dessert made from refined sugars, hydrogenated fats, additives, preservatives, and laboratory experiments with minerals and hydrocarbons.

What is the solution? The pharmaceutical corporation will sell you the poison remedies that will make you lose weight and cure disease and make another part of your body shit, for which, of course, they also have the corresponding remedy. And you thought that "light" foods had no calories? Well, they have poisons worse than calories, soft drinks, broths, soups, noodles, and all the "light" shit is worse than regular, which is saying a lot. All of this is managed by supermarkets that "guide" you so you don't miss any top-of-the-line offers.

There are several lawsuits against food corporations for lying about the origin of what they sell (notably “alpine spring water” which was actually tap water), but these claims are made by some other corporations, as a settling of scores. Organizations defending the rights of animals or the planet were never given room to prosecute corporate depredation. Those same corporations employ boys and girls to harvest the raw materials that they will then use in their factories around the world to maximize shareholder returns.

There is an intimate relationship between all the corporations, to jointly decide the next steps of predatory chess. In the case of food, there is an obvious relationship between energy corporations and natural resources, since oil and plastic (its derivative) is the main raw material for food packaging. If you think about the number of monetary resources it takes to put a PET bottle filled with tap water and sold as a natural product from Iceland's hidden springs on a home table, it is easy to see that this cannot be destroyed by violence, but with a cultural revolution of the new generations. This circuit includes the production of the plastic tablet, the making of the bottle, the filling, the transport, the storage, the marketing, the placing in racks, all that, added up, is a fortune! For a bottle of tap water!

And those bottles will pollute the ecosystem for centuries, because they invariably end up in seas, rivers, and lakes, even when they make you believe that by throwing them into the recycling bin you have contributed to peace and social well-being. Every time you buy a plastic bottle, whatever crap it has inside, you are partly complicit in the death of some marine animal, by poisoning, drowning, or starvation.

Insecticides kill thousands of species that make up a natural cycle that has been reinvigorated for thousands of years to maintain ecological balance. Bees are the most responsible for the development, health, and nutrition of the human species. And they are being extinguished by the poisons manufactured by a corporation in search of efficiency and profitability for shareholders. And the overall result is that a huge percentage of the world's population is starving. And the funniest thing is that the corporation that makes the poison calls itself “a family business” (??). Adams Family?

But, in addition, to maximize efficiency, food corporations have invented food made from waste, generally speaking, processed food. Go ahead if you want to buy a tin of pate in the supermarket, but you don't have to go that far. Go to a local fast-food and ask for some monsters with very attractive names for the boys that are made with chicken grouts and other species. Or sausages and hamburgers packaged and frozen in the cold wells in supermarkets. Several available statistics show that as spending on food decreases, spending on medicines increases. Wow. Could it be that the same corporate cartel manufactures “food” on the one hand and “drugs” on the other? Who says what are the allowed cholesterol levels? Obviously, the laboratories. Why is bad or fattening everything that is tasty? Well, simply, "Eat it, and then take one of these little pills, boy." Laboratories, in search of profitability for shareholders, produce genetic alterations in food, making it resistant to pests, and thus destroying the balance between bacteria, minerals, insects, and other components of the ecosystem, which ultimately ends in the destruction of land and food.

The frozen ones have spawned at least one generation that does not know the flavors. The great desire for communism "total standardization" has been achieved, and that, paradoxically, through the capitalist Layer 0 and shareholder profitability’s religion. Food company reports favor the time it takes to ship production to supermarkets, rather than the taste of food and its nutritional value. The vending machines for "coffee", soft drinks (diabetes), and snacks (pure chemistry) invaded our lives, our universities, and our schools, all for the profitability of shareholders. You do not want to imagine what is in the oil used in fast-food chains to fry hamburgers and snacks. Or to make kiosk sweets. Or the cookies that are eaten at snack time. None of you would buy any of this if you were told what the food you eat is made from.

As you will be reasoning, none of this can be eliminated with an armed war, nor by destroying any of the places where these poisons are sold. What we are trying to do is raise awareness of these atrocities and plant the seeds of a cultural revolution, the only chance to stop this predation.

With so much technology, and with food so cheap and efficient, genetically controlled and distributed at such speed, world hunger should be gone, okay? Well no, world hunger grows every day. The total number of people suffering from hunger amounts to about 900 million people. 900 million people! Approximately 11% of the world's population. And do you know who is responsible according to international organizations? Climate change. More hypocrisy. Climate change came in handy for the UN and the FAO.

I talked about the food corporation as just one example of several Layer 1 and Layer 2 applications allowed by the Layer 0 infrastructure of the capitalist system. You can apply it to any other area of industrialization that supports the accumulation of power.

The fundamental problem is that we don't know who to believe or who to trust. The Layer 0 system also made us dependent on mistrust.

So the question is:

Should we stop the collapse? Or should we let it come as part of our evolution?

I believe that at the beginning of 2009, there was a last perfect day for corporate and predatory capitalism that governs all countries on the planet as a system, no matter what the ideology of the government and the state that is circumstantially in power. All equally are slaves to corporations, oil, and a highly corrupt, expensive, and totally ineffective financial system for the new generations. The concrete proof of this is the enormous and systematized rejection of the crypto sphere by the establishment. Not many politicians understand how a decentralized system or a cryptographic algorithm works, and how an intermediary like a bank can be eliminated from the perfect financial system they have designed, but those who do understand it are terrified and that's why they regroup into strike forces to stem the tide. We all know they're on ZugsWang and they're trying to stem the tide with a floor dryer, but still, we all know they're going to put up a tough fight, and we're up against the Death Star and the Emperor.

See with your own eyes the statements of a US senator to understand what ignorance means. Quite amusingly, he says that the crypto sphere created money out of thin air, implying that the printing of IOUs by a central bank is not the creation of money out of thin air.

Look with your own eyes as an Emeritus Economy Professor defends the MMT system, saying once again the consolidated "Bitcoin is a bubble", which we are already frankly tired of listening to. Being so emeritus, I could look for a slightly more creative argument, don’t you think? To make a fool of defending a declining Layer 0, this man and his colleagues, classic economists of the past, should be sought decent jobs and abandon the theories of previous centuries. BTC fundamental value = 0? WTF? Emeritus Professor, or Spokesman for Banks?

In early 2009, one Satoshi Nakamoto, whom no one knows or will ever know, gifted us with Bitcoin, and with an incredibly revolutionary new technology known loosely as Blockchain, signifying the end of the issuance-debt-based financial system. Debt issued by a King put into office by the corporations, to whom he redistributes its favors by issuing treasury bills that are repaid with interest through the issuance of more debt, and so on, in an infinite Ponzi scheme that only makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.

At least this has started an awareness on a large number of people who did not have access to this information. We have taken a first step.

But how do you change the operating system?

Unfortunately, we will have the Layer 0 Ponzi system for many decades, if Newton's first Law of inertia is considered. It will be very difficult to stop the machine that arrogantly considers itself the owner of the planet, and understands that all its resources belong to it.

But timidly advances a proposal-response of a new Layer 0 called Permaculture.

Permaculture can be understood as the creation and development of sustainable human ecosystems, based on the efficient use of agricultural ecosystem resources, integrating landscapes, energy, and all kinds of needs, material and non-material; it is about guaranteeing a cultural, productive, and consistent human development, promoting life in different ways. This model is not new and is on its way to turning half a century. It is a model of natural agriculture theorized in the 70s by the Australians Bill MollisonDavid Holmgren. The term permaculture initially meant "permanent agriculture" but was quickly assimilated as "permanent culture" because it was soon realized that it consisted of much more than growing vegetables, and transcended all human behaviors, including social, technological, economic, and governmental.

The objectives pursued by Permaculture can be achieved with the use of technologies that promote the optimal use of energy, reducing human dependence on systems that exhaust available resources. The key idea is the cooperation between people, and the integration of the landscape and the environment, surpassing the concept of competition. According to the parameters of Permaculture, the sustainability of a system is measured based on whether the energy produced is greater than that consumed, and whether it maintains a balance between the creation and destruction of forests, recycling, and nutrient production. Permaculture is concerned with choosing construction materials that respect the environment, developing short circuits that boost local economies, shared decision-making in communities, with the open transmission of acquired knowledge that must be available to all, ending with patents and brands, in the production of sustainable foods, rich in nutrients to promote health, which is the opposite of the current system of poisoning promoted by food corporations to increase shareholder profitability. Permaculture arises from the scientific knowledge acquired about the functioning of ecosystems, the understanding of the formation of the earth and the microorganisms that live in it, the role of life in the soil, the essential symbioses of living beings that give stability to the ecosystem, biodiversity, the study of climate, genetic diversity, natural evolution, energy flows and cycles of matter in the biosphere.

It is clear that none of this can prosper with a Layer 0 like that of the capitalist system, which promotes exactly the opposite.

Permaculture integrates land, resources, people, and the environment in terms of beneficial synergy for all components, imitating the closed loops of optimization of resources and expenses that nature's systems show us. The subject is very vast and reaches all areas known to human beings. Permaculture is a multidisciplinary toolbox that includes agriculture, water, harvesting, hydrology, energy, forestry, waste treatment, natural constructions, animal systems, aquaculture, technology adaptation, economy, and community development. The underlying philosophy of permaculture is to work "with" nature and not "against" it, by taking a long time to observe, looking at systems as a whole and not just a part of them, and allowing systems to show us their own evolution.

I believe that revolutions are not designed, they are lived. Then historians are in charge of pigeonholing in a title a lot of events that occurred throughout a period, for example, the French Revolution, the English Revolution, or the Russian Revolution. We are undoubtedly experiencing a change in systems, a revolution that happens from time to time. It is not worth deducing when it started because it started and that's it, and for me it is fascinating to be living in this stage of humanity, in which every day you find out about a new development, whatever you do.

In particular, I see a gigantic change and a massive displacement of the international monetary and financial systems, and the change is not going to come from economic or political theorists, but from millions of entrepreneurs, programmers, mathematicians, and ordinary people like us. The way of transferring value will be coordinated among ourselves, in a new connection paradigm that will have to do with the technology provided by blockchain. This change will end the reign of the current Layer 0 to implement a new Layer 0 based on permaculture.

There are countless overlaps between permaculture and blockchain technology. Permaculture is open source, permissionless and borderless, like a blockchain structure. The individuals who make up an anarchic system based on permaculture keep the network secure through their proof of planning and proof of work. Their lives develop in total harmony with nature while protecting it from the predation of invasive systems such as the current Layer 0. Sustainability is ensured if each node of a system based on permaculture does the work that it knows how to do and that it enjoys. Pollution, garbage based on the waste created by industries that cater to greed, and the extermination of species to increase shareholder profitability, are the sad memories of a period in which human beings sought suicide. The rich change the yacht every year, the middle class did nothing about it, numbed by clothing brands and shopping malls, and the poor spent their lives trying to get something to eat.

Permaculture promises a more equitable life. The young generations are learning this in primary schools, and the middle classes began to understand how they are being exploited by the applications designed in Layer 1 and Layer 2 of this Layer 0 that allow the slow path to collapse and extermination.

The fundamental principle of permaculture is to observe nature and imitate it, acting like bees in pollination, taking knowledge everywhere as human heritage. It is clear that to achieve this, it is necessary to destroy the current Layer 0 since its structure promotes exactly the opposite.

This is the fundamental mission we have for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, especially when they ask us, what did you do?

Thank you for reading! Decentralize yourselves as much as you can, and much more! Work for yourselves, not for others. When you work for someone else, they pay you what YOUR POSITION is worth, when you work for yourself, they pay you what YOU are worth. No one achieves financial independence by working as an employee. Live long and prosper!

Never forget:

As usual, none of the things written in this post are financial advice and are not intended to replace personal research. My sole intention in writing this post is informative. Several of the things discussed here could be wrong, so in no way can this post be construed as financial advice, and in no way should it replace your own research.

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